Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This morning Tyler said to me, "Mom!! If you put a spider in your eye it will bite your eye out and then you won't see." And I replied, "Really? Let's not put spider's in our eyes."

Now I must ask, "Why would anyone ever think of putting a spider in their eye?" I just can't help but laugh.

Next time you see a spider, please refrain from picking it up and popping it in your eye. I know if will be difficult, but it's definitely not worth losing an eye over.


Emma said...

do you remember that black widow i bought on ebay? the one that i bought because the woman who was selling it told me her whole drama about being an artist and then a spider bit her on the eye and blinded her, but when the scar tissue healed it was in a line down the center and across the middle, so she essentially saw everything in a grid panel. remember this? she was slightly batty. i still have the spider. Tyler is correct in his assessment!

The Boone Family said...

I totally forgot about that. I laughed out loud. Where is that thing? Do you pull it out and let Calvin look at it on occassion? Little autumn is a cutie peach! She looks sweet as can be!