Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Leggo Masterpiece

So tonight, my David made a silly face and presented me with a Leggo Masterpiece. Yes, the face is really silly. :)

The breakdown of the masterpiece as explained by David:

  • The black trellis - stairs
  • The little yellow circles - these are all Leggo heads that David detached from the Leggo bodies (it kind of reminds me of the days when my brother Jakob would pull our Barbie heads off) . Anyway, you can't really see the faces on the Leggo heads. One is a bearded man - AKA "the bad guy" . The other Leggo heads are the "good guys"
  • The yellow circle - "a circle thing"
  • The grey arched Leggo - You can't see the arch, but David called it "the Old McDonald's piece" - He calls McDonald's "Old McDonald's" and I guess the arch was the connection

And there you have it--a fabulous Leggo masterpiece just for mom. He was so sad when we put it up in the box because he thought I needed to keep it out.

****UPDATE: I just realized that David is wearing his spider Halloween shirt. Please note that my children have other clothes. David just loves this shirt and when he dresses himself, if this shirt is clean, this is always the shirt he wants to wear!!

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